Source code for cbcbeat.cellmodels.fitzhughnagumo_manual

"""This module contains a FitzHugh-Nagumo cardiac cell model

The module was written by hand, in particular it was not

from __future__ import division

__author__ = "Marie E. Rognes (, 2012--2013"
__all__ = ["FitzHughNagumoManual"]

from collections import OrderedDict
from cbcbeat.dolfinimport import Parameters, Expression
from cbcbeat.cellmodels import CardiacCellModel

[docs]class FitzHughNagumoManual(CardiacCellModel): """ A reparametrized FitzHughNagumo model, based on Section 2.4.1 in "Computing the electrical activity in the heart" by Sundnes et al, 2006. This is a model containing two nonlinear, ODEs for the evolution of the transmembrane potential v and one additional state variable s. """ def __init__(self, params=None, init_conditions=None): "Create cardiac cell model, optionally from given parameters." CardiacCellModel.__init__(self, params, init_conditions) @staticmethod
[docs] def default_parameters(): "Set-up and return default parameters." params = OrderedDict([("a", 0.13), ("b", 0.013), ("c_1", 0.26), ("c_2", 0.1), ("c_3", 1.0), ("v_peak", 40.0), ("v_rest", -85.0)]) return params
[docs] def I(self, v, s, time=None): "Return the ionic current." # Extract parameters c_1 = self._parameters["c_1"] c_2 = self._parameters["c_2"] v_rest = self._parameters["v_rest"] v_peak = self._parameters["v_peak"] v_amp = v_peak - v_rest v_th = v_rest + self._parameters["a"]*v_amp # Define current i = (c_1/(v_amp**2)*(v - v_rest)*(v - v_th)*(v_peak - v) - c_2/(v_amp)*(v - v_rest)*s) return - i
[docs] def F(self, v, s, time=None): "Return right-hand side for state variable evolution." # Extract parameters b = self._parameters["b"] v_rest = self._parameters["v_rest"] c_3 = self._parameters["c_3"] # Define model return b*(v - v_rest - c_3*s)
[docs] def default_initial_conditions(): ic = OrderedDict([("V", -85.0), ("S", 0.0)]) return ic
[docs] def num_states(self): "Return number of state variables." return 1
def __str__(self): "Return string representation of class." return "(Manual) FitzHugh-Nagumo cardiac cell model"